Below is a list of all my scientific publications, grouped by the role and institution I was with when the data was taken.
Sometimes papers end up published somewhat later than when the data was taken, so don’t be surprised if a few were published after I left that role!
There is a link to the publication in each title.
I try to keep this list up to date as much as possible, but for an automated updated list of my publications, you can also access my Google Scholar Page.
Associate Professor in Materials Physics
University of Bristol
Under the microscope: Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic Steel Eurofer-97 Following Ion-Irradiation and High-Temperature High-Pressure Water Exposure, R.N Clark, D Kumar, J. Hawes, L. Hughes, M. Zimina, R. Burrows, J.-C. Eloi, J. Hargreaves, K. Mo, D. Liu, L. Parker-Quaife, T.L. Martin, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 155527 (2024)
Creep Cavitation Imaging and Analysis in 9% Cr-1% Mo P91 Steels, E.C. Galliopoulou, C.P. Jones, L. Coghlan, M. Zimina, T.L. Martin, P.E.J. Flewitt, A. Cocks, J. Siefert, J.D. Parker, Advances in Materials Technology for Power Plants, 84871, 219-234 (2024)
The transient thermal ageing of Eurofer 97 by mitigated plasma disruptions, J. Hargreaves, H.E. Tipping, S. Moore, D. Kumar, L.M. Harding, H. Dominguez Andrade, C. Bell, P.D. Hanna, H. Dawson, T.L. Martin, Materials & Design, 244, 113207 (2024)
Microstructural Analysis of Ex-Service Neutron Irradiated Stainless Steel Nuclear Fuel Cladding by High-Speed AFM, S. Moore, R. Burrows, A.D. Warren, D. Hambley, F.S. Russell-Pavier, T.L. Martin, L. Picco, O.D. Payton, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 600, 155265 (2024)
A correlative approach to evaluating the links between local microstructural parameters and creep initiated cavities, S. He, E. Horton, S. Moore, E. Galliopoulou, P.J. Thomas, A. Fernandez-Caballero, E. Elmukashfi, M.P.A. Salvini, M. Mostafavi, D.M. Knowles, P.E.J. Flewitt, T.L. Martin, Materials & Design, 241, 112905 (2024)
Effect of Grain Boundary Misorientation and Carbide Precipitation on Damage Initiation: A Coupled Crystal Plasticity and Phase Field Study, M.P.A. Salvini, N. Grilli, E. Demir, S. He, T.L. Martin, P.E.J. Flewitt, M. Mostafavi, C. Truman, D.M. Knowles, International Journal of Plasticity, 172, 103854 (2024)
A novel approach for evaluating creep damage and cavitation in copper bicrystals subject to constant load, H. Shang, E. Elmukashfi, J. Čapek, P. Lejcek, K.R. Hallam, A.C.F. Cocks, C. Hardie, T.L. Martin, P.E.J. Flewitt, Materialia, 30, 101837 (2023)
An Introduction to Nuclear Industrial Archaeology, E.I. Holland, Y.S.R. Verbelen, D.T. Connor, T.L. Martin, M. Higginson, T.B. Scott, Sustainability 15(7), (2023)
Creep cavitation evolution in polycrystalline copper under conditions of stress relaxation,H. Shang, A. Fernández-Caballero, E. Elmukashfi, T.L. Martin, K.R. Hallam, A.C.F. Cocks, P.E.J. Flewitt, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 144784 (2023)
Microstructural modelling and characterisation of laser-keyhole welded Eurofer 97, J. Hargreaves, S. Moore, G. Yuan, D. Liu, H. Tipping, R. Abbott, J. Tufnail, H. Dawson, T.L. Martin, Materials & Design 226, 111614 (2023)
The tiny flaws behind big failures, T.L. Martin and S. Moore, Physics World 36(1), 27 (2023)
A novel approach for evaluating creep damage and cavitation in copper bicrystals subject to constant load, H. Shang, E. Elmukashfi, J. Čapek, P. Lejcek, K.R. Hallam, A.C.F. Cocks, C. Hardie, T.L. Martin and P.E.J. Flewitt, Materialia, 30, 101837 (2023)
An Introduction to Nuclear Industrial Archaeology, E.I. Holland, Y.S.R. Verbelen, D.T. Connor, T.L. Martin, M. Higginson and T.B. Scott, Sustainability 15(7) 6178 (2023)
Creep cavitation evolution in polycrystalline copper under conditions of stress relaxation, H. Shang, A. Fernández-Caballero, E. Elmukashfi, T.L. Martin, K.R. Hallam, A.C.F. Cocks, P.E.J. Flewitt, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 144784 (2023)
Microstructural modelling and characterisation of laser-keyhole welded Eurofer 97, J. Hargreaves, S. Moore, G. Yuan, D. Liu, H. Tipping, R. Abbott, J Tufnail, H. Dawson and T.L. Martin, Materials & Design, 226, 111614 (2023)
Effect of Grain Boundary Misorientation and Carbide Precipitation on Damage Initiation: A Coupled Crystal Plasticity and Phase Field Study, M.P.A. Salvini, N. Grilli, E. Demir, S. He, T.L. Martin, P.E.J. Flewitt, M. Mostafavi, C. Truman and D. Knowles, International Journal of Plasticity, 172, 103854 (2023)
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steels, S. Moore, T.L. Martin and P.E.J. Flewitt, book chapter in Comprehensive Structural Integrity (Second Edition), 6, 163-200 (2022)
New Correlative Microscopy Approaches to Understand the Microstructural Origins of Creep Cavitation in Austenitic Steels, TL Martin, S He, E Horton, H Shang, A Fernandez-Caballero, N Grilli, M Mostafavi, D Knowles, A Cocks and PEJ Flewitt, Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), 2074-2075 (2022)
Real-Time and Correlative Imaging of Localised Corrosion Events by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy, S Moore, R Burrows, L Picco, OD Payton and TL Martin, Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), 2116-2117 (2022)
Aqueous Corrosion of WCLL Breeder Blanket Structural Material Eurofer-97 for Nuclear Fusion Reactors, D Kumar, R Burrows, L Platts, A Siberry, A Gunn, M Zimina, C Harrington, R Springell, TL Martin and A Del Novo, Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), 2080-2082 (2022)
Microanalysis of the Effects of Tokamak Thermal Transients on Eurofer 97 Steel, J Hargreaves, D Kumar, H Dawson, L Harding, HD Andrade and TL Martin, Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), 2076-2078 (2022)
Examination of a Ferritic-Martensitic Steel following Irradiation and High Temperature Water Corrosion, R Clark, TL Martin, D Liu, K Mo, JC Eloi, R Burrows, S Davis, D Kumar, C Harrington and CP Jones, AMPP Annual Conference+ Expo (2022)
Investigating the Surface and Microstructure of Electrodeposited Cu Films, A Koorikkat, O Payton, L Picco, T Martin and W Schwarzacher, ECS Meeting Abstracts, 702 (2021)
A diamond gammavoltaic cell utilizing surface conductivity and its response to different photon interaction mechanisms, GR Mackenzie, S Kaluvan, PG Martin, C Hutson, T Connolley, M Cattelan, H Dominguez-Andrade, TL Martin, NA Fox and TB Scott, Materials Today Energy 21, 100688 (2021)
Uranium isotope variation within vein-type uranium ore deposits, AC Keatley, JA Dunne, TL Martin, DC Nita, MB Andersen, TB Scott, DA Richards and RP Awbery, Applied Geochemistry 131, 104977 (2021)
The Effects of Fusion Reactor Thermal Transients on the Microstructure of Eurofer-97 Steel, D Kumar, J Hargreaves, A Bharj, A Scorror, LM Harding, H-Dominguez-Andrade, R Holmes, R Burrows, H Dawson, AD Warren, PEJ Flewitt and TL Martin, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 153084 (2021)
The Role of Grain Boundary Ferrite Evolution and Thermal Aging on Creep Cavitation of Type 316H Austenitic Stainless Steel, S He, H Shang, A Fernandez-Caballero, AD Warren, DM Knowles, PEJ Flewitt and TL Martin, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 140859 (2021)
Comparing Techniques for Quantification of Creep Cavities, S He, PEJ Flewitt, DM Knowles and TL Martin, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment and the 2019 International Symposium on Structural Integrity, 194-201 (2021)
Observation of stress corrosion cracking using real-time in situ high-speed atomic force microscopy and correlative techniques, S Moore, R Burrows, D Kumar, MB Kloucek, AD Warren, PEJ Flewittt, L Picco, OD Payton and TL Martin, npj Materials Degradation 5 (2021)
Sample Preparation Methods for Optimal HS-AFM Analysis: Duplex Stainless Steel, S Moore, AD Warren, R Burrows, OD Payton, L Picco, FS Russell-Pavier, PG Martin and TL Martin, Ultramicroscopy, 113210 (2021)
The Role of Grain Boundary Orientation and Secondary Phases in Creep Cavity Nucleation of a 316H Boiler Header, TL Martin, S He, AD Warren, H Shang, DM Knowles and PEJ Flewitt, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 83860, V006T06A043 (2020)
The effect of sodium hydroxide on niobium carbide precipitates in thermally sensitised 20Cr-25Ni-Nb austenitic stainless steel, RN Clark, CM Chan, TL Martin, WS Walters, D Engelberg, R Burrows, Corrosion Science 170, 108596 (2020)
The role of niobium carbides in the localised corrosion initiation of 20Cr-25Ni-Nb advanced gas-cooled reactor fuel cladding, RN Clark, J Searle, TL Martin, WS Walters and G Williams, Corrosion Science 165, 108365 (2020)
The role of replicated service atmosphere on deformation and fracture behaviour of carburised AISI type 316H steel, AD Warren, PJ Heard, PEJ Flewitt and TL Martin, Key Engineering Materials 827, 318-323 (2020)
Development of Fatigue Testing System for in-situ Observation by AFM & SEM, AF Payam, O Payton, M Mostafavi, L Picco, S Moore, T Martin, AD Warren and D Knowles, ICMFF12-12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (2019)
Development of fatigue testing system for in-situ observation of stainless steel 316 by HS-AFM & SEM, AF Payam, O Payton, L Picco, S Moore, T Martin, AD Warren, M Mostafavi and D Knowles, International Journal of Fatigue 127, 1-9 (2019)
Insights into prospective fusion reactor cooling systems from fission reactor cooling circuits, TL Martin, AD Warren, D Kumar, A Siberry, R Springell, R Holmes, RN Clark, L Platts, C Harrington, M Gorley, E Surrey, S Rowthu, P Grundler and S Ritter, 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors (2019)
Chemistry and corrosion research and development for the water cooling circuits of European DEMO, C Harrington, A Baron-Wiecec, R Burrows, R Holmes, RN Clark, S Walters, TL Martin, RS Springell, J Oijerholm, R Becker, P Gillen, R Torella, and E Lo Piccolo, Fusion Engineering and Design, (2019)
The possible effect of high magnetic fields on the aqueous corrosion behaviour of Eurofer, R Burrows, A Baron-Wiechec, C Harrington, S Moore, D Chaney, TL Martin, J Likonen, R Springell, and E Surrey, Fusion Engineering and Design 136, 1000-1006 (2018)
Chemistry and corrosion in the irradiated cooling circuits of a Prototype fusion power station, TL Martin, X Warren, R Burrows, R Springell, R Holmes, C Harrington, A Baron-Wiechec, E Surrey, S Dickinson, RN Clark, SW Walters, L Platts, A Sibery and B. Bertaux, 21st International Conference on Water Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Systems (2018)
Progress in establishing the influence of intense magnetic fields and other fusion-specific factors on high temperature water corrosion, TL Martin, R Springell, R Burrows, X Warren, A Siberry, RN Clark, R Homes, A Baron-Wiechec, C Harrington and E Surrey, 21st International Conference on Water Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Systems (2018)
A study of dynamic nanoscale corrosion initiation events using HS-AFM, S Moore, R Burrows, L Picco, TL Martin, SJ Greenwell, TB Scott, and OD Payton, Faraday discussions 210, 409-428 (2018)
David Cockayne Junior Research Fellow in Materials
Linacre College Oxford
Laboratory manager and postdoctoral research fellow,
atom probe group
University of Oxford
Atom probe tomography of Au-Cu bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by inert gas condensation, Q Yang, M Danaie, N Young, V Broadley, DE Joyce, TL Martin, E Marceau, MP Moody and PAJ Bagot, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(43), 26481-26389 (2019)
Novel Synthesis and Multi-technique Characterisation of Au-Cu Nanoparticles, Q Yang, M Danaie, N Young, V Broadley, DE Joyce, TL Martin, E Marceau, MP Moody and PAJ Bagot, Microscopy and Microanalysis 25(S2), 2526-2527 (2019)
Insight into the impact of atomic- and nano-scale indium distributions on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures grown on m-plane freestanding GaN substrates, F Tang, T Zhu, W-Y Fu, F Oehler, S Zhang, JT Griffiths, C Humphreys, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, SK Patra, S Schulz, P Dawson, S Church, J Jacobs and RA Oliver, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 225704 (2019)
Effect of Nb and Fe on damage evolution in a Zr-alloy during proton and neutron irradiation, E Francis, R Prasath Babu, A Harte, T.L Martin, P Frankel, D Jadernas, J Romero, L Hallstadius, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody and M Preuss, Acta Materialia 165, 603-614 (2019)
The effect of phase chemistry on the extent of strengthening mechanisms in model Ni-Cr-Al-Ti-Mo based superalloys, AJ Goodfellow, EI Galindo-Nava, KA Christofidou, NG Jones, CD Boyer, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MC Hardy and HJ Stone, Acta Materialia 153, 290-302 (2018)
Characterizing nanoscale precipitation in a titanium alloy by laser-assisted atom probe tomography, J Coakley, A Radecka, D Dye, PAJ Bagot, TL Martin, TJ Prosa, Y Chen, HJ Stone, DN Seidman and D Isheim, Materials Characterization 141, 129-138 (2018)
A novel ultra-high strength maraging steel with balanced ductiity and creep resistance achieved by nanoscale β-NiAl and Laves phase precipitates, L Sun, TH Simm, TL Martin, S McAdam, DR Galvin, KM Perkins, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, SW Ooi, P Hill, MJ Rawson and HKDH Bhadeshia, Acta Materialia 149, 285-301 (2018)
Nanoscale structural and chemical analysis of F-implanted enhancement-mode InAlN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors, F Tang, KB Lee, I Guiney, M Frentrup, JS Barnard, G Divitini, ZH Zaidi, TL Martin, PA Bagot, MP Moody, CJ Humphreys, PA Houston, RA Oliver and DJ Wallis, Journal of Applied Physics, 123(2), 024902 (2018)
Understanding irradiation-induced nanoprecipitation in zirconium alloys using parallel TEM and APT, A Harte, R Prasath Babu, CA Hirst, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, P Frankel, J Romero, L Hallstadius, EC Darby and M Preuss, Journal of Nuclear Materials 510, 460-471 (2018)
Gamma Prime Precipitate Evolution During Aging of a Model Nickel-Based Superalloy, AJ Goodfellow, EI Galindo-Nava, KA Christofidou, NG Jones, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, CD Boyer, MC Hardy and HJ Stone, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 718-728 (2017)
Specimen preparation methods for elemental characterisation of grain boundaries and isolated dislocations in multicrystalline silicon using atom probe tomography, C Lotharukpong, D. Tweddle, T.L Martin, M Wu, C.R.M Grovenor, M.P Moody and P.R Wilshaw, Materials Characterization 131, 472-479 (2017)
EBIC-Enabled NanoManipulators - Investigating Dislocations in mc-Solar Cells, P Hamer, D Tweddle, T Martin, P Wilshaw, M Hiscock and J Lindsay, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23(S1), 1426-1427 (2017)
Application of Atom Probe Tomography to Nitride Semiconductors, RA Oliver, F Tang, SE Bennett, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, GDW Smith, MP Moody, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23(S1) 666-667 (2017)
A SANS and APT study of precipitate evolution and strengthening in a maraging steel, TH Simm, L Sun, DR Galvin, D Alba Venero, Y Lia, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, M.P Moody, P Hill, HKDH Bhadeshia, S Birosca, MJ Rawson and KM Perkins, Materials Science and Engineering: A 702, 414-424 (2017)
Precipitation in a novel maraging steel F1E: A study of austenization and aging using small angle neutron scattering, V Gray, D Galvin, L Sun, EP Gilbert, TL Martin, P Hill, M Rawson, and KM Perkins, Materials Characterization, 129, 270-281 (2017)
Validity of Vegard’s rule for Al(1-x)InxN (0.08 <x <0.28) thin films grown on GaN templates,S Magalhães, N Franco, IM Watson, RW Martin, KP O'Donnell, HPD Schenk, F Tang, TC Sadler, MJ Kappers, R A Oliver, T Monteiro, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, E Alves and K Lorenz, Journal of Applied Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (20) (2017)
Comparing the consistency of atom probe tomography measurements of small-scale segregation and clustering between the LEAP 3000 and LEAP 5000 instruments, TL Martin, AJ London, B Jenkins, SE Hopkin, JO Douglas, PD Styman, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23(2), 227-237 (2017)
An Atom probe Tomography study of site preference and partitioning in a nickel-based superalloy, PAJ Bagot, OBW Silk, JO Douglas, S Pedrazzini, DJ Crudden, TL Martin, MC Hardy, MP Moody, and RC Reed, Acta Materialia, 125, 159-165 (2017)
The atomic structure of polar and non-polar InGaN quantum wells and the green gap problem, CJ Humphreys, JT Griffiths, F Tanga, F Oehler, SD Findlay, C Zheng, J Etheridge, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, D Sutherland, P Dawson, S Schulz, S Zhang, WY Fu, T Zhu, MJ Kappers, and RA Oliver, Ultramicroscopy 176, 93-98 (2017)
Atomic-scale Studies of Uranium Oxidation and Corrosion by Water Vapour, TL Martin, C Coe, PAJ Bagot, P Morrall, GDW Smith, T Scott, and MP Moody, Scientific Reports 6 (2016)
The formation of ordered clusters in Ti–7Al and Ti–6Al–4V, A Radecka, PAJ Bagot, TL Martin, J Coakley, VA Vorontsov, MP Moody, H Ishii, D Rugg, and D Dye, Acta Materialia, 112, 141-149 (2016)
Precipitation of the ordered α 2 phase in a near-α titanium alloy, A Radecka, J Coakley, VA Vorontsov, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, D Rugg, and D Dye, Scripta Materialia 117, 81-85 (2016)
Continuous and discontinuous precipitated in Fe-1 at.% Cr - 1 at.% Mo alloy upon nitriding; crystal structure and composition of ternary nitrides, T Steiner, SR Meka, B Rheingans, E Bischoff, T Waldenmaier, Y Guma, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody and EJ Mittemeijer, Philosophical Magazine 96 (15), 1509-1537 (2016)
Analysing the composition of doped diamond at the atomic level using atom probe tomography, TL Martin, S Drijkoningen, MZ Othman, PAJ Bagot, S Koelling, PW May, K Haenen and MP Moody, Hasselt Diamond Conference (2016)
Investigation on the role of iron in zirconium-niobium cladding corrosion, SB Setiadinata, P Tejland, Cédric Barroo, Andrew AP Magyar, Michael P Moody, Paul AJ Bagot, Tomas L Martin, CRM Grovenor, 55th International Conference on Atom Probe Tomography & Microscopy, Seoul South Korea (2016)
The microstructure of non-polar a-plane (11-20) InGaN quantum wells, JT Griffiths, F Oehler, F Tang, S Zhang, WY Fu, T Zhu, SD Findlay, CL Zheng, J Etheridge, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, D Sutherland, P Dawson, MJ Kappers, CJ Humphreys and RA Oliver, Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (17) (2016)
Ordering in α Titanium Alloys, A Radecka, VA Vorontsov, J Coakley, KM Rahman, PAJ Bagot, TL Martin, MP Moody, IP Jones, TC Lindley, D Rugg and D Dye, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, 971-978 (2016)
Insights into microstructural interfaces in aerospace alloys characterised by atom probe tomography, TL Martin, A Radecka, L Sun, T Simm, D Dye, K Perkins, B Gault, MP Moody and PAJ Bagot, Materials Science and Technology (2015) (winner of the 2017 IOM3 Cook/Ablett award for publication of merit in the field of metals)
Structural, electronic and optical properties of m-plane (In, Ga)N/GaN quantum wells: Insights from experiment and atomistic theory, S Schulz, DP Tanner, EP O'Reilly, MA Caro, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, Fengzai Tang, JT Griffiths, F Oehler, MJ Kappers, RA Oliver, CJ Humphreys, D Sutherland, MJ Davies and P Dawson, Physical Review B (2015)
Practical issues for atom probe tomography analysis of III-nitride semiconductor materials, F Tang, MP Moody, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MJ Kappers, and RA Oliver, Microscopy and Microanalysis 21(3), 44-556 (2015)
Indium clustering in a-plane InGaN quantum wells as evidenced by atom probe tomography, F Tang, T Zhu, F Oehler, WY Fu, JT Griffiths, FCP Massabuau, MJ Kappers, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot, MP Moody, and RA Oliver, Applied Physics Letters, 106(7), (2015)
A new polycrystalline Co-Ni superalloy, M Knop, P Mulvey, F Ismail, A Radecka, KM Rahman, TC Lindley, BA Shollock, MC Hardy, MP Moody, TL Martin, PAJ Bagot and D Dye, JOM, 66 (12), 2495-2501 (2014)
PhD in Physical Chemistry
University of Bristol
Light metals on oxygen-terminated diamond (100): structure and electronic properties, K.M. O'Donnell, TL Martin and NL Allen, Chemistry of Materials (2015)
Photoelectron emission from lithiated diamond, KM O'Donnell, TL Martin, MT Edmonds, A Tadich, L Thomsen, J Ristein, CI Pakes, NA Fox, L Ley, physica status solidi (a), 211 (10), 2209-2222 (2014)
Low work function diamond surface and radiation energy converters using the same, NA Fox, KM O'Donnell and TL Martin, US Patent No 20120244281 (2012)
The Li-adsorbed C(100)-1x1:O diamond surface, KM O’Donnell, TL Martin, NA Fox and D Cherns, Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting (2010)
Ab-initio investigation of lithium on the diamond C(100) surface, KM O’Donnell, TL Martin, NA Fox and D Cherns, Physical Review B, 82 (2010)
Lithium monolayers on single crystal C(100) oxygen-terminated diamond, TL Martin, KM O’Donnell, H Shiozawa, CE Giusca, NA Fox, S Ravi P Silva, and D Cherns, Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting (2010)